Beakerhead Spectacle 2019
As promised, I was able to take my new Blackmagic Pocket Cinema 6K for a real good run. What better venue to test a camera than the visual spectacle that is Beakerhead. This year Beakerhead changed the name of their premier night from ‘Beakernight’ to ‘Spectacle’. Big ticket price and a change of venue to Princes Island Park from the old Fort Calgary location. After spending a couple hours there it occurred to me that this “spectacle” was a combination of past events. A fun chemical mixture of ‘4 to 6’, ‘That Thing In the Desert’ and Beakernight. The result was a sold out event with lots of new attractions this year.
The BMPCC 6K performed amazingly. The low light performance was terrific. The colors were fantastic. With a full Tilta build up and a V-mount battery the camera lasted the full evening and handled great. I edited the whole piece on Blackmagic’s, Davinci Resolve. Apart from teaching myself a new program it was easy to assemble a basic edit. The colour correction tab is like a different language. I look forward to tackling it on future projects.